Frequently Asked Questions about Maryland Child Support

At the Law Office of Shelly M. Ingram, LLC, we know that making sure your children are properly provided for is a priority, whether they live with you or not. The mechanics of financially supporting your children when you do not live with their other parent can be confusing. Below, we offer answers to the some of the questions we are most often asked regarding Maryland child support law.

What is child support?

Child support is a financial obligation, shared by both parents, to contribute towards the financial support a minor child until the child reaches age 18, or until the child reaches age 19, if the child is still enrolled in high school.

How is child support determined in Maryland?

In Maryland, if your combined household income (before taxes) is less than $30,000 per month (as of July 1, 2022), then child support is calculated pursuant to the Maryland Child Support Guidelines. The Maryland Child Support Guidelines take into consideration each parent's actual income, the cost of work-related child care expenses, extraordinary medical expenses, health insurance, school and transportation costs, and the amount of time a child spends in the care of each parent.

Can child support be modified?

Child support can always be modified based upon changed financial circumstances and the best interests of the child.

The answers to these questions are general in nature and are not intended to create an attorney-client relationship or to replace specific legal advice. We invite you to contact our office at (301) 658-7354 to schedule a consultation, so that we can learn about the facts of your case and respond to the particulars of your unique situation.